Sanitizing and Cleaning Services

Jul 6, 2020
Sanitizing and Cleaning Services picture

Sebatakgomo Cleaning Services offers a wide range of sanitising and disinfecting cleaning services for commercial and industrial customers.

Our complete cleaning and sanitising services are provided by professional cleaning staff with experience in cleaning across a number of industries. The cleaning materials and equipment we use have been proven to eliminate and reduce bacteria, germs and viruses.

Office Sanitizing and Disinfecting

Sanitising helps reduce the amount of bacteria and removes any contaminants which can cause sickness. Sanitising must work in conjunction with another cleaning method to completely remove bacteria.

Disinfecting is the complete removal of pathogens and disease-causing microorganisms. Disinfecting is used in hospital environments but in the current pandemic is important for a deeper office clean.

Why you need sanitizing and disinfecting

In an expansive office space, with a large number of employees and several communal areas, professional cleaning services are mandatory in maintaining a hygienic work space. Regular sanitising is also imperative for reaching standardised health and safety guidelines and will help to significantly reduce the possible transfer of germs and bacteria.

In general, areas with a large amount of traffic should to be cleaned as regularly as possible and surfaces should be cleaned with hot soapy water and dried, while specific high risk areas such as door handles can be sanitised.

These are some of the most crucial places in the office that need regular sanitising and/or disinfecting.

  • Telephone
  • Desktop
  • Door Handles
  • Microwave door handle
  • Keyboard
  • Surfaces which come into contact with food
  • Bathrooms and communal washrooms

Whether you are a small office or a large corporate we can formulate a customised sanitising cleaning service to meet your requirements.

Contact us for all your cleaning requirements.

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